Friday, September 26, 2008

September 26, 2008 3:20 p.m.

I'm a big girl now! 5 pounds 2 ounces

Happy Friday! Laurie continues to sleep and grow as we wait for Todd, Cole, and Mema to arrive! Last night she weighed 5 lbs. 2 oz. The doctors have not made any changes in Laurie's care plan today. The audiologist came to do a hearing exam on Laurie today and she did not pass in either ear. This means that she will have to have further testing done within the next month. Laurie does respond to voices and noises around her, but further testing will determine the degree of hearing loss. Again, being on the oxygen for such a long period of time and being born so prematurely are going to be contributing factors to Laurie's growth and development over the next few years. However, we know that God continues to answer our prayers and is watching over Laurie! Please continue to pray for Laurie's lungs, eyes and hearing! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I'll post again on Monday!

Todd, Leah, Cole, and Laurie


Anonymous said...

She looks HUGE on that scale. I am so proud of her growing so big and strong! And what a great brag on God - your peanut is over 5lbs now!! I will respond to your email this weekend.

Love and prayers, Natasha

Nancy S said...

God is still God, and He will heal
her ears just like He has done for
her eyes. Is there anything too
hard for God? She looks great! Have
fun this weekend and relax while you can. Love, Nancy

wareaglebailey said...

Leah, I have been watching Laurie's progress since Judy told me about your premature birth. We will continue to pray that Laurie passes her hearing screen, but please feel free to contact me anytime if you have questions about hearing loss. Blake, one of our twins, is profoundly deaf with bilateral cochlear implants. He is now 6 and doing well. If you do have a hearing loss to deal with I know a good deal about the resources available in AL. Also by finding out so early in her life will be very, very beneficial to her overall results. I would love to talk with you further anytime if you have any questions. Get my contact info from Judy or Scott. Can't wait to talk with you further. Candice Bailey