Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October 7, 2008 5:15 p.m.

Hello everyone! Laurie has had a quiet day and seems to be doing very well with her new oxygen settings--very few de-sats. Her regular nurse practitioner was not here today, so we are still working out all the details of coming home. Todd and Mom will coming up tomorrow night, while Mrs. Judy does "Cole duty" back home. On Thursday, the three of us will meet with pharmacy and be learning how to work Laurie's oxygen at home. Then Todd, Laurie, and I will room in together at the hospital to try it on our own! If everything goes well, we should be discharged on Friday! We are still not sure about the weekend plans and when we will be coming home!?! As usual Laurie will be calling the shots!!! While Laurie rested today, I spent the afternoon shopping for the essentials needed to bring a baby home-diapers, wipes, bottles etc... It is hard to believe that we are finally to that point! Please continue to pray for us during this new transition period and for travel safety as Todd and Mom come to Birmingham tomorrow!

Todd, Leah, Cole, and Laurie


Nancy S said...

Laurie looks so precious today!
And you sound ready to come home.
What a testimony God has given you
and Todd. :) We're very excited for
you all and know you will do fine
at home. God will be right there
with you every step of the way, just as He has been in Birmingham.
Praise God for the great things
He has done! love, Nancy

Debbie said...

Thank the Lord that you are getting ready to go home. God bless all of you

Debbie and the dialysis family

Jones Family said...

We are praying for you guys daily!
I still can't believe how much Laurie has grown and accomplished! Praise God!!! And now you are finally getting ready to bring her home!
We love you guys!
Brian, Tracy, and Brayden

Brysmommy, Kenswifey said...

It's been a week or so since I checked in..and what a pleasent surprise to find your post today..News of you coming home is such a great testimony for your family! She looks beautiful and so healthy! I pray all goes well!!

~Brooke Hill

Kelly said...

What wonderful news, but yet scary for you, without the hospital staff. You are not alone, as God has shown you over the months that he is protecting and guiding all of you. And that is reassuring. We will continue to pray for little Laurie Anne's breathing, hearing and vision. We will also pray for yours and Todd's wisdom, patience and confidence as you come home to be together as a family. It is a transition, but one of many that you have learned through all of this to handle. We are so excited for you, and especially for Cole, to have his family together. We'll be checking in on you!
The McCarleys

Eloise said...

Laurie is such a beautiful baby! You must be *tickled pink* at the thought of bringing her home after 100+ days. Wow! It's amazing how far she has come.

How did the visit with the eye doctor go?