Laurie loves her spinning light that Miss Susie with AIDB brought!
She also likes sitting up in her "Bumbo" chair!
Hello everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I last posted--I hear many of you are anxious for an update. January was a month filled with doctor appointments and we received encouraging reports at most of them.
On January 12, 2009 we saw a pediatric cardiologist from Birmingham in the Dothan office. This was just to check Laurie's heart to make sure there was no damage from her extended time on oxygen. All reports returned normal.
On January 26, 2009 we returned to Birmingham to see the pulmonologist. We are currently working on a plan to wean Laurie off the oxygen. The first step (we are currently doing) is to slowly wean her from her medications. Then we will attempt taking her off the oxygen for short periods of time and steadily increasing the time, until she only has oxygen during naps and night time sleeping. We should be able to get to this point by the end of March or the first of April. We also saw a nutritionist while in Birmingham and have started feeding Laurie cereal. She currently weighs 10 lbs. 12 oz.!
We also saw an audiologist, retinologist, and had several routine visits to the pediatrician's office in January. We will be doing further testing on Laurie's high frequency hearing with an audiologist in Birmingham next week. This is the area of the preliminary screening that she did not pass. The retinologist reports that there is still an area of Laurie's left eye where no blood vessels have developed. We will see him again in a few weeks to continue monitoring this area. At this time the right eye continues to develop normally. Please pray for normal blood vessels to begin growing in Laurie's left eye. At her pediatrician visits Laurie received her monthly synagis shot and flu shots. Dr. Brown is pleased with her overall development. She is rolling over from her tummy to her back, reaching for toys, and smiling when her big brother makes funny faces for her!!! Cole is so good with Laurie and loves entertaining her!!!
Hope you enjoy the latest pictures! Thanks for your continued love, support, and prayers!
Todd, Leah, Cole, and Laurie
Thanks so much for an update, Leah. I check the blog every day for an update on Laurie Anne. She doesn't even look like the same baby from a month ago. She just gets more beautiful and precious each time you post pictures. We all love and are praying for this little Angel. God Bless all of you.
~Jerry & Debbie Kelley
She is so precious!!! So happy to hear she's doing so well and continues to make improvements.
What a precious angel!! I'm so glad I saw you today, and couldn't wait to get home and see the latest pictures!! Blessings to all of you, and prayers for her continued growth and development!
Mary Sue
Leah, thanks for the new pictures and the update on Laurie. She has changed a lot since the last pictures. She is a precious beautiful little girl that we have prayed for all her life and we will continue to lift her up.
All our love,
The Kings
Wow! God is o good!! I have been praying for Laurie daily. I am so glad to hear of all the wonderful reports. She is such a pretty little girl!!
Laurie is beyond precious!! Thanks for the update and the new pictures you posted. The reports you are getting from the doctors sound wonderful. Oh how the Lord has answered so many prayers!! I am just thrilled with her progress! Please continue to keep us all posted and know that your family is still in my prayers!
Jama Lewis Walker
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