Friday, September 5, 2008

September 5, 2008

Happy Friday! We are having another uneventful day in the CCN. Laurie continues to gain weight and weighed 3 lbs. 7 oz. last night. I was able to give her a bottle at her 12:30 feeding and she took all 26 cc.! As you can see from the picture she has had her eyes wide open today. I believe she is anxiously waiting for her Daddy to get here! Cole will be spending the weekend with Uncle Kevin and Aunt Tammy. The girls are already teaching him how to "fight" with a sister!!! Since Todd will be here, I will not post again until Monday. I hope you all have a great weekend! Thanks for your continued love, support, and prayers! We are so blessed with wonderful family and friends!

Todd, Leah, Cole, and Laurie


Unknown said...

She is just beautiful Leah! I can't believe how fast she is growing. Isn't God good? Love, Kathy

Emily said...

Great picture!! She is growing so fast! Enjoy your time with Todd!

Love You!
Emily, Gray, and Lydia

AmyRdz said...

She is so cute, Leah! God bless you and your family!
Amy Giles Rodriguez

Nancy S said...

She's got the cutest little baby
face! Those eyes are amazing,
already taking things in. I can
tell she's a smart girl. Hope you
have a wonderful weekend. We miss
you so much! Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous little face! I know you are treasuring those little moments that most parents take for granted - being able to hold and feed your precious baby girl. Have the doctors given you a timeline of when she might be ready to come home? Any sort of milestones she has to reach? She's well over 3 pounds and will be 4 pounds before we know it! You all have been in our constant prayers.

Much love,
Natasha Chalker & Family

Anonymous said...

Leah, Judy told us that Laurie had some problems yesterday. We pray that today has been a much better day. Hopefully, all she has needed is more rest. She has been a busy little girl this past week...getting her first bath...taking her bottle... and gaining those ounces! She deserves some good rest after those momentous occasions. The picture of her taking her bottle was so precious because her eyes were wide open. We just want to squeeze her every time we see her.
We love her and pray for her daily.
The Kings

Anne Marie said...

Congratulations! This is James' mom and I am glad to see you Laurie doing so well. James has been home for about a month, but I keep up to date via Gabe's mom. I hope you are feeling a little more rested these days!

Since James got home all he does is eat these days, but he was never a small baby. You can see us at Hugs!