Monday, July 7, 2008

July 7, 2008 10:30 am

Good morning everyone! Laurie had a very good night and they will be taking out her other umbilical cord line sometime today. She is still on the C-pap using 40-50% oxygen. They are going to increase her feeds again today, probably 1cc at a time, and discontinue all other supplements, so she will only be getting breast milk. She weighs 1 lb. 3 oz. today. So, not a lot of changes today, but she continues to do well. Now we just need time for her grow and wean off of the C-pap. Thanks again for your continued prayers and support!

Love to all!
Todd, Leah, Cole and Laurie


Emily said...

Hi Leah and Todd,

My mother continues to forward me updates through the church. I am thinking and praying for all of you during this time. I will continue to keep Laurie in my prayers as well.


Emily (Strong) Wood

Rhonda said...


Kevin Dewberry said...

Hi Leah and Todd,
First and formemost, you are in mine and my family's prayers. We will also get you added to our prayer list at church. Are you accepting visitors while in Bham? If so, I would like to stop by and check on you. Let me know if you need me to bring you anything since I live nearby.

In Him,
Kevin Dewberry

Nancy S said...

Good Afternoon,
I imagine Laurie will start gaining some ounces with the increase of milk. Every day she
makes more progress. My mother-in-
law said they prayed for Laurie in
church yesterday at St. Luke.
The new Teacher Tools in Enterprise is finally opened. Think
if you need anything for the sub to
start out and I'll get it. Call me
if you do. Love ya, Nancy

Elizabeth Stewart said...

Wow! She is doing so good!! Glad to hear the continued good reports. Let us know if we can do anything to help out!

Elizabeth :)

Dee said...

A link to your story was posted through a friend on and I came to see your journal. As a mom of a preemie (not nearly as premature as yours) and a survivor of preeclampsia, I understand the long and exhausting hospital stays.

Although we are strangers, we are bonded through the miracle of childbirth. Your family and that beautiful baby girl are in my prayers.

God bless

AmyRdz said...

Glad to hear Laurie continues to improve. We are keeping you guys in our prayers!!
Amy (Giles) Rodriguez & Family

Brysmommy, Kenswifey said...

Yay for Laurie!! I have been out of pocket for a few days..with no access and was wondering about her progress..Didn't stop the prayers though..and I loved what Bro. Billy said at church tonight while mentioning your family.."We have been praying and He has answered those prayers..and we will continue to pray and lift you all up!!!!

Debbie Smith said...

Hi Leah and Todd,

I am so glad that we are able to see and hear about Laurie's progress. We continue to pray for both the two of you and Laurie. She is an amazing little miracle!


jeffandchantal said...

Praise God for all Laurie's improvements!! Praying Laurie will continue to eat well as the doctors continue to increase her feeds & Praying she will soon wean off the C-pap. We continue lifting your family up in prayer, while praising God for all the miracles we have witnessed already through Laurie's precious life. God Bless!!

Anonymous said...

We continue to pray for little Laurie along with you and your family. Glad to hear she is eating well and putting on weight! We've been updated periodically through the grapevine next door to your parents! :)

Sending our love,
Daniel, Melissa & Charlie Ward

sybil kelley said...

Leah I saw your precious pictures yesterday after my duaghter had therapy downstairs with Todd. We have had you and your family on our prayer circle's list since you went to b'ham. We weill continue to pray in the days and weeks to come for all of you. Let us know if there is anything we ca do for your family. Sybil Kelley